
Guru Purnima 2016 Festival Shloka, Greetings, Messages

Guru Purnima 2016 greetings and celebrations:
Guru means teacher again ‘gu’ means darkness and ‘ru’ means to remove the darkness and purnima is the day of month of ashadh (shukla paksha) according to the Hindu calendar which is the bright lunar fortnight or the full moon and mostly occurs in the month of June or July.

 Guru Purnima 2012 Festival Shloka, Greetings, Messages

A teacher is the person who takes us to the path of brightness from the path of darkness, from wrong to correct then how can we forget to pay back for all those blessings that he has given us.

This day is also known as manali and is celebrated by hindu people to respect the relationship of a teacher and a student as in olden days known as devotees and disciples. Originally the day was celebrated by the Buddhist to give respect to lord Buddha who gave his first sermon on this auspicious day in sarnath. Hindus celebrate the day to pay respect to the great sage Ved Vyasa who was considered as greatest guru (teacher) in ancient times.

The festival is celebrated all around India in different manner as a thanks giving by the students to their teachers. Mostly students who learn Indian classical music celebrate this day all around the world. The purpose of celebration of this day is that the students be grateful to their teachers for they have been their friend, guide and philosophers.

Guru Purnima Gift Idea:
Guru Purnima is the time to be thankful to your master for their every beating which they gave, not to hurt you but to make you a better person. The day is to offer your gratitude to your teacher by giving him any thing which symbolizes how thankful you are to him for being there every time and guiding you like your parents.

It can be a flower, a pen or any other precious thing which may make him feel proud to be a teacher as this is the day your master will accept anything that you choose to give him with love.

The Sanskrit shloka;
Guru brahma guru Vishnu gurudevo maheshwraha
Guruhu sakshsat parambrahma tasmi shri guruave namaha.

These lines hold true in every ones line you need a teacher a guru in every step of your life. So give this day to the teacher in your life and thank him to be there and give you a stepping stone for the success and happiness in your life.