
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Facts 2016 and Pictures from Space

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is also known as the Pacific Trash Vortex it is located by the center of the North Pacific Ocean roughly between 135 degree west to 155 degree west and 35 degree north to 42 degree north. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean a circular current flows which contains the great amount of the plastic garbage.

This particular patch contains plastic garbage which contains the high amount of non destructible plastics which remains as it is till long time. They are seems to be like the slowly churning bowl of plastic soup. The all around eighty percent of the patch consist of the bottles and fishing gear to toothbrush and packaging scraps. These substances are dragged down from the land to the deep sea.

This particular patch was first discovered in 1990 by the captain Charles Moore head of the Marine Research Foundation. He discovered that the plastic substances used and troughed by the people on the land was also seen till the hundreds of miles from the land. He was traveling through the rare area between the Hawaii and the mainland. He was also able to see the debris of the plastic even after a weeklong travel.

Great pacific garbage patch pictures from space/ google earth location:

The garbage patches got an alarming situation to the world. The amount of the trash and the marine debris affects water and the coastline around the world. The animals are the most convicted by the debris because sometimes the animals get hurt, cut and even are down by their traveling time due to the extra garbage weight loaded. Some tines the heavy gear like the abundant fishing nets can damage reefs and the other important habitats.

Sailing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Video

Each year more than one million birds and 100000 marine mammals are hurt and even cause hundreds of boating accidents. Due to the increased use of the plastic the survey has resulted that the more than eighty percent of the marine debris are of plastic.