
Jubilee Cake Recipe / Decorations / Diamond Jubilee Cake Ideas

Jubilee Cake Recipe / Decorations / Diamond Jubilee Cake Ideas:
The jubilee cake is the talk of the streets when the party is organized at any place this is because the ease with which the cake can be prepared is the main point of attraction. The equipment needed is just the two lengths of doweling rod, assorted ribbon and thread and an electric mixer.

The ingredient needed for preparing the cake is the 375g/13oz butter or margarine, softened at room temperature, 375/13oz unrefined caster sugar, 6 large free range eggs, 2tsp vanilla extracted, 375g/13oz self raising flour, 2-3 tbsp milk, few drops of blue food coloring and few drops of red food coloring.

The ingredients needed for filling and frosting is 6 tbsp raspberry jam, 300g/ 10oz caster sugar, 5 large free range egg white, 500g/1lb unsalted butter, softened and cut into squares, pinch of salt and few drops of vanilla extract. The preparing method is as under. The softening and the spongy layer can be obtained through the preheating of the oven at 180C/35F with the greasing of the base of cake tin with the baking paper.

Then the next step is to cream the butter and sugar together until it turns pale and fluffy accordingly beat the eggs a little with the solution and mix it well even milk can be added to prepare the solution. Then divide the solution in three equal parts then mix the red color to one solution and blue color to another solution then leave the third part as it is. Bake the mixture 20 to 25 minute until the cake starts turning brown.

Get out the cake from the over and leave it for five minute to cool. After all this procedure taker 100ml of water and 250gm of sugar in a large bowl then stir until the sugar dissolves and starts boiling then get some eggs additional to the solution as the temperature reaches to the 121C plug out the bowl then place it to the cold water. Then mix the solution in the mixer and stir the solution well for 8 to 10 minutes.

Then add the vanilla and keep on stirring until it forms the smooth fluffy butter cream. Then after spread the jam over two of the cake layer and to the top with a layer. Then frosting sandwich the cake together. Chill in fridge for 15 minutes and sprinkle with decorative desired. Jubilee cake is ready to be consumed and presented in the party.

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jubilee food/ cake recipes/ decorations ideas

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