Pages Restaurants Haarlem / Den Haag / Zoek Een Restaurant Index Restaurants Haarlem / Den Haag / Zoek Een Restaurant Index / Rotterdam / Amsterdam:
The online restaurant information and the type of food served by them details are provided through this site advanced booking of the sets in favorite restaurants can be done. IENS is providing the restaurant information and their service since 1998. Till now then onward it has became the only one to provide this type of services in Netherland. More than five million visitors have their visit to the site for the information about the hotels and the other facility. The IENS provide these services through the web, mobile, interactive TV and through the website.

The information can be received through the FAQ section were the detailed information about the restaurants can be received. The customers can find the restaurant and even book it online through the website. The review of the previous guest can also be received. The site provides the follow up section for the Facebook and the twitter users. The news letter is also created. It also comes with the special offers for the week for some of the selected and high profiled restaurants.

The special sections such as the dinner days, sign up for the consequent user, find comprehensive offers, special restaurants and the separate login section for some of the selected restaurants. The restaurants can be searched according to the city you want in. the selection of the wide range of cities is given for the selection. The advanced booking can also be done through the IENS.NL the consecutive traveling personal can make use of this type of facility.

The IENS.NL also gives the other business personals to have their advertisement through the website. The advertisement of the restaurants is done through the website so that the customers can get the good quality food. The feedback section is created so that the previous experience of the user of the website can have their views and suggestions for the new users.

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  • keuken iens
  • iens nl zoeken
  • restaurant rotterdam/ amsterdam
  • groningen