
Researches for Tea and Coffee – Protects Against Diabetes / Green Coffee Extract Weight Loss

Researches for Tea and Coffee – Protects Against Diabetes / Green Coffee Extract Weight Loss:
Earlier researches carried out by Dutch have discovered that coffee contains certain compounds that lower the chances of Diabetes. In their research around 17,000 men and women were involved from Netherlands, and the result showed that people who drank around 5 to 6 cups of coffee had about 50% less chances to caught diabetes compared to peoples who drink only 2 to 3 cups a day.

There are two types of coffees, caffeine and decaffeinate. But it was found under various studies that caffeine may increase the risk of developing diabetes and as its sugar content is more compared to other it may also causes like hypertension, blood pressure, nervousness, etc., so it is better to switch towards decaffeinated coffee.

Green coffee extract weight loss results are also good. Instant coffee, also called soluble coffee is a beverage derived from brewed coffee beans. (Nestle instant coffee caffeine content always searchable topic on internet)

Tea also effects on diabetes. Substance called catechins is present in tea which decreases glucose production in the gastrointestinal system, which leads to lower the level of glucose and it also improves insulin activity up to 15 times. Tea can be black, green or oolong. Compared to coffee, tea have very slow effect of lowering the chances to diabetes, so people consuming tea rather has to drink more of tea every few hours. The main thing to keep in mind is that we have to drink it without milk, because milk seems to interact with the necessary chemicals and makes them unavailable to our body. As we drink it without milk it will be most favorable for health.

Dr. Rachel Huxley of the George Institute for International Health in Sydney, Australia, and her colleagues conducted a Meta analysis that looked at 18 studies conducted between 1966 and July 2009 with information on 457,922 patients. They found that each additional cup of coffee consumed in a day was associated with a 7 percent reduction in the excess risk of diabetes.