
Annular Solar Eclipse takes place date May 2016 – You Tube Video

When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun; this time is known as solar eclipse. An annular solar eclipse will take place on May 2016, it will be visible from the Chinese coast, northern Taiwan, the south of Japan, and the western part of the United States.

In Eastern Hemisphere this eclipse occurs with a magnitude of 0.9439. In this situation the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus, blocking most of the Sun's light.

Times (UTC):
Partial begin: 20:56:07
Total begin: 22:06:17
Greatest eclipse : 23:53:54
Total end: 1:39:11
Partial end: 2:49:21

Solar eclipse of May 2016 Visibility:
This time Guangzhou, Taipei, Tokyo and Albuquerque will be on the central path. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometers wide. Its maximum will occur in the North Pacific, south of the Aleutian Islands for 5 min and 46.3 s, and finish in the western United States.

Please take care for you and your Childs because it is dangerous to look directly at the Sun, for see these movements use special eye protection or indirect viewing techniques for eye care.

Solar Eclipse Educational Video:

Total Solar Eclipse 2008 - Video from Youtube:

Annular Solar Eclipse 20 May 2012 - Video from Youtube:

You can get special solar eclipse glasses from any suppliers like Amazon or through many manufacturers.